Here is an awesome product that will Protect Your Life. It is a fantastic pendant that you can have with you all the time. This wonderful pendant, tuün™ Resonate is a beautiful wearable pendant that you can wear around your neck, or carry in your pocket, purse, backpack also on nightstand. So now it will always be protecting your body from rogue EMF.
A Biohack Solution for a Health Concern
Your body is also electric at the cellular level. The cells in your body communicate using microscopic electric signaling. This is how your nervous system functions. Slight changes in the polarization of your cells can also lead to significant chemical changes in your body. We have several Biohacking products:
- uüth™ – a liquid snap that has ingredients that are designed to help you live, look and feel better.
- brān® – amplifies your wellness, it contains a blend of 16 nutrients that improve your focus and enhance your mood.
- plôs® – is an excellent dietary supplement that is great to put in your coffee or juice or just snap into your mouth every day. This powerful snap support healthy weight management, it may help to support appetite control. And it contributes to Healthy Lipid Synthesis.
- byōm™ – this is a healthy way to support your Gut Healthy, it keeps you feeling healthy, happy, and hydrated. It also helps Balance the pH levels in your body and it improves Digestive health.
What is Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS)
EHS is a phenomenon characterized by the appearance of symptoms after prolonged exposure to electromagnetic fields. Although not recognized as a medical diagnosis by most scientific and medical communities, it is a term used to describe a range of symptoms experienced by some individuals when exposed to electromagnetic radiation.
Symptoms include:
- Heating of body tissues and cells.
- Increased free radical production in your body.
- Chronic fatigue, headaches, and brain fog.
- Heightened anxiety.
- A general feeling of discomfort or unease.
- Headaches, fatigue, sleep disturbances, dizziness,
- Difficulty concentrating, skin rashes, muscle, and joint pain
You can Live in Harmony with Electronic Devices.
There is so much rogue EMF radiation in today’s world, not the least of which comes from our
favorite devices – our cell phones. As technology takes greater hold, so do the levels of radiation you’re being exposed to every day.
With the tuün™ Resonate pendant, this EMF shield works to assist with tuning out Chao while enhancing your overall health and well-being. Always Protect Your Life!!
What Harm Can EMFs Cause?
This list is also a work in progress! Science keeps finding more symptoms that can be attributed to EMGs! Therefore, purchasing protection for yourself and your loved ones is not something to delay! Some of the mild symptoms include the following; headaches, tremors, dizziness, memory loss, loss of concentration, and sleep disturbances; those are terrifying enough for me. The correlation between the EMFs and our nervous systems is very concerning to anyone wanting a long, vibrant life.
Further research is needed to better understand the factors contributing to these symptoms and to address the concerns of individuals who believe they are affected by EHS.