The Best Low Impact Exercise!

The Best Low Impact Exercise Walking is an excellent way for those of us, who are 60 years and older. It is also a great way for us to get our daily exercise. I enjoy walking and walking 3 to 5 times a week. When I first started, I would do a brisk 1-mile walk every morning and now I am up to 5 miles every other day. You can walk with a partner or by yourself. I prefer by myself because then I can go whenever I feel like which is mostly mid-morning. I compete with myself going as fast or as slow as I like. You can do that with the Best Low Impact Exercise.

How Many Steps Per Day??

A recent Harvard study involving more than 16,000 older women found that those that did at least 4400 steps a day reduced their risk of dying prematurely when compared with less active women. This study also noted that the longevity benefits continued up to 7500 steps. I normally take anywhere from 4800 to 10,000 steps every day or every other day whatever I feel comfortable doing. The most important thing is not the number of steps, but that you just keep moving and the more comfortable you get with walking the more steps you will take.

Benefits of Walking – The Best Low-Impact Exercise

Walking is the most basic physical activity that we participate in. It is also something that we do every day. It can have a significant impact on our Physical and Mental Health. Walking is the Best Low Impact Exercise that most people can participate in whether they are in the city or rural area. Just put on comfortable shoes and start walking!!

best low impact exercise

Some Benefits:

  • 1. IMPROVE CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH – Seniors are advised to walk about 4 hours a week to help reduce the risk of Heart Problems.
  • 2. WEIGHT LOSS – Studies show that those at risk of becoming obese can keep the Fat off by walking briskly for one hour a day.
  • 3. REDUCES SUGAR CRAVINGS – Sugar is something that we all crave young or old. Nutritionists and doctors suggest if you have a sugar craving that you should take a brisk 15-minute walk to fight off the craving. Something that I have done and it actually works.
  • 4. ARTHRITIC PAIN REDUCED – Walking is a good way to protect your joints and it also improves bone density. Regular walking helps to keep the joints working and strengthen the muscle and cartilage.
  • 5. REDUCE STRESS – Take a nice walk and your stress will go away. Just take a 10-minute walk and this can also help boost circulation that delivers nutrients and oxygen to the cells. Walking also helps to elevate moods and reduce the feeling of depression. 


Walking is also a great way to improve blood circulation. The increase in circulation results in better delivery of nutrients and oxygen around the body.

We have this wonderful nootropics product called Bran. This product works great with your walking regimen. I use Bran Reimagined every morning, it supports positive thinking and also improves your focus and alertness.

The wonderful thing about Walking is that it is “FREE.” You don’t need any equipment and it can be done anywhere.