Here is a great way to save on many things that you buy every day. A Savings and Benefits Program that will help to make your life less stressful. The company has been around for the last 16 years and doing amazing things to help many people to save and get great benefits. So don’t miss out on a great opportunity.
The Savings and Benefits Program has 3 levels of Membership: GOLD, PLATINUM, and TITANIUM, all you have to do is select the level that you are most comfortable with. If you are not sure just select the GOLD and after you have reviewed everything you can always upgrade.
Watch the video below to get an idea of what this Savings and Benefits Program has to offer you.
Ready to Signup and Save!!
We have great packages to choose from: The GOLD MEMBERSHIP is only $20 a month. It comes with the following:
- Hotel Discounts: Incredible Savings on Hotels
- Credit Repair Software
- Dining, Shopping, & Entertainment: Savings on places you are already eating and shopping. Huge Savings are offered through this program.
With the Savings and Benefits Program, You Also Get:
- Auto & Home Insurance: In almost every case our Members Save with Auto and Home Insurance. These are the best “Group and Member” Rates.
- Eat Play Shop Travel: Expanded Program that allows for Savings in where you Eat, Play, and Travel. This is an incredible portal of savings and benefits for our Members.
- Name Brand Shopping Discounts: Specialized Savings from huge Name Brands.
- Prescription Savings: A Prescription Drug Savings Program for our Members. And it is incredible.
- Health and Dental Insurance: We are very excited about this. This is a true GROUP RATE for our Large Membership. We are creating a way for more and more Individuals and Families to have Health and Dental Coverage that they can truly afford.
The whole Program is far more valuable than the Price of the Membership Access.
- Credit Repair Software: This alone is worth several times the Monthly Cost of the Membership. This is a program that helps to remove items from your Credit Report. As well as to help raise your Credit Score through documentation and following the legal system with proper Action Items. We are thrilled to have this addition.
- Zoom Discount: This is an Incredible Deal. Only for Members.
PLATINUM MEMBERSHIP is just $100 A Month:
- Prescription Savings
- Auto & Home Insurance
- Eat Play Shop Travel
- Name Brand Shopping Discounts
- Health and Dental Insurance
- Domains, Hosting & SSLs
- Credit Repair Software
- Zoom Discount
- Lower Business Bills
Titanium and Platinum Wholesale Travel: It is also a whole new level of Travel Savings Perks. We are delighted with the savings this offers. If you are a traveler, this is a must-have program. Incredible Savings in Air, Car, Vacations, Cruises and so much more.
TITANIUM MEMBERSHIP is just $199 A Month:
- Titanium and Platinum Wholesale Travel
- Free Marketing System
- Mentors Club
- Auto & Home Insurance
- Eat Play Shop Travel
- Name Brand Shopping Discounts
- Prescription Savings
- Health and Dental Insurance
- Domains, Hosting & SSLs
- Credit Repair Software
- Zoom Discounts
- Lower Business Bills
Titanium/Legal/Roadside/Medical: This is an Addition to the Already Incredible Packed Savings and Benefits already in the Program. An Incredible Benefits Portal. It is accessible online as well as through an App on your iOS or Android Smartphone. All Levels are Far more Valuable as you Explore and Utilize them.